Friday, July 01, 2005

TechEd 2005 - Keynote 2

Paul Flesser gave the keynote address on day two. It was geared toward developers and connected systems (I'm a desktop security guy so it wasn't as interesting to me as it was to others).

I did get some interesting things from it though.

- Like the 1st one, it was started by Samantha Bee from the Daily Show and she called her show "The Techie Show". She was funny and she did get Paul to tell a story from his past when he was a developer. Apparently he was in the datacenter where he worked (the devs weren't ususally allowed in there) and he leaned on an IBM 3380 and accidentally flipped the power switch. It took several systems off line for a while.

- Paul shared with us that the first electronic message that was sent out was by Morse (morse code) and it said, "What God Hath Wraught".

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