Friday, July 01, 2005

My Background

I guess I should at least post my background and tell a little about myself.
I am currently a security administrator for a large pharmaceutical company in Chicagoland. I manage the anti-virus installations on over 12,000 desktops in Lake County, IL, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico. We use ePO from McAfee to manage them. It's really helped us to better deal with virus outbreaks. It's been my lifeblood for 3-4 years now.

I also am the one who reviews all the Microsoft security bulletins each month and makes recommendations on whether or not to deploy the patch immediately, add it to our post image build process or not worry about it at all. I am really looking forward to learning more about the new WSUS product from Microsoft (written before attending TechEd and now moved to this blog). I've been testing out the RC on about 10 machines and really like it so far. Edit: Now that I'm back from TechEd, WSUS ROCKS!!! I am presenting a proposal to my management soon to implement this for our division. I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm very anxious to hear about the rumored security roll up for Windows 2000. The rumor is that they will be announcing it this coming week at TechEd (again, written before and moved to this blog - the update is out now and is nice to replace all those other patches with just the one).

In my past, I've been a desktop technician, a software repackager (or aka, scripter), a Unix server admin (built them mostly), a Novell admin, and a CAD engineer (that was my life's dream but found that I supported the systems better than using them and I found it more enjoyable).

I have 4 kids, a beautiful wife (whose coming with me to TechEd) and a dog. I'll have to post some stuff/pics about them later and give them their own part of my blog.

So, that's me in a nutshell.

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